PROTECTING YOUR RETIREMENT WITH DON WALES Saturdays Noon to 1pm Tune in every Saturday from 12 to 1pm as Don Wales gives you the info you need to protect your retirement. There are safe financial choices, and you can preserve and grow the money you will need to enjoy the future. Don and his network of financial professionals are…… MORE
THE RETIREMENT INCOME HOUR WITH MARK FALTERSaturday & Sunday9am to 10am Every weekend Mark Falter, host of the Retirement Income Hour radio show, addresses the questions and concerns of retirees, pre-retirees, individual investors, and business owners about asset management, tax strategies and estate planning. He has been featured on Fox Business Channel, Fox4 News Kansas…… MORE
VACATION VIEWS WITH MARK COMFORT Saturdays10am to 11am Mark has been hosting his weekly show Vacation Views for over 20 years! Mark and Mimi Comfort, owners of Cruise Holidays of Kansas City/Comfort Tours and Travel, define extraordinary travel knowledge and service. Their companies mission statement is simply: WE WANT TO CREATE MEMORIES THAT LAST A…… MORE