Listen to John Batchelor weeknights from 8pm to Midnight
The John Batchelor Show is an essential tool for understanding the new order in the 21st Century. Each week John brings listeners breaking news with a carefully cultivated team of sources and correspondents around the world, providing information long before it hits the mainstream media. Described by some as a cross between Matt Drudge and Coast to Coast, The John Batchelor Show is for the thoughtful listener who wants to understand the major players in the great ideological battle of the new millennium. The John Batchelor Show features a multitude of distinctive elements. John’s themes cover every detail – from military battles, presidential campaigns, planetary exploration, and Hollywood politicos to his own international travel. John has broadcast from many corners of the world and in his program he calls out to all points, including New York, Jerusalem, Des Moines, Kazakhstan, Orlando, Manchester, Morocco, Boston, Taipei, Washington, and Baghdad.
John is a veteran novelist and author of seven political romances, as well as a short history of the Republican Party. Born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania in 1948, John attended Lower Merion High School and Princeton University.
In 1976 he graduated from Union Theological Seminary. John is married and has two children.