Senior Care Live Podcast


Tune in every Sunday from 2pm-3pm to Senior Care Live!  Senior Care Live is a different kind of radio program…we are here to serve YOU!  Our mission is to provide information and resources for those caring for an elderly loved one.  Please know that you are not alone.  Applying national percentages to the Kansas City MSA, we have 282,000 unpaid caregivers caring for 370,000 elderly loved ones, the average caregiver provides 21 hours of care per week, the value of unpaid care per caregiver is $5,788/yr or $1.63B/yr in the Kansas City area, the average length of caregiving is 4.6 years, 59 % are still employed, and there are 61% women vs. 39% men providing care. Caregivers of the elderly need access to accurate and dependable information and resources regarding;

  • What options are available to help us remain independent in our own home?
  • When is the right time to consider moving our loved one to a senior care facility?
  • What are the differences in the levels of care if we do need a senior care facility?
  • How much do these various services cost?
  • What are our options to pay for the high cost of care?
  • Should we consider Long Term Care Insurance or a Reverse Mortgage to pay for care?
  • What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, and what services do they cover?
  • How do we best use our resources?
  • What legal implications are involved in the decisions we make?

Tune in every week to learn about these important topics and more.  If you have a specific question for us, please email us at [email protected] or visit our web site.  If you missed us live on air, you can listen to podcasts found below or go to to listen to a podcast of all of our programs.

About the Host

Your Host for Senior Care Live: Steve Kuker! Over the past 11 years of operating Senior Care Consulting, Steve has become very frustrated by the fact that so many people don’t know where to turn for answers and are not aware of the many resources available regarding caring for an elderly loved one. Steve created Senior Care Live in an effort to provide accurate and quality information and resources for those caring for an elderly loved one. “I’m so excited to be able to address this critical need in our city, and I will do my best each and every week to help” said Steve Kuker. Steve brings to the show, a wealth of knowledge and experience.

For more information about the services of Senior Care Consulting, visit or call (913) 749-7899.